Our Farms

Farming 360 is the philosophy that we have embraced for our initiative. This endeavour brings together all our partners- crop farmers, dairy farmers, processing units and consumers- under oneroof where every associate collaborates with each other to work in such a way that creates minimalwaste for our We deliver milk within 24 hours of its collection from the cow unlike other companies where thetime interval between collection of milk and it’s delivery to the consumers is above 48 hours. Thisis due to the availability of farms in remote areas. The collection of milk from different farms takesabout a day. To preserve milk during this duration, preservatives are added. Then the milk is takento the chilling centre, thereafter to the processing unit where it is homogenised and pasteurised. This takes another day. And finally on the third day, the milk is brought to the market. We don’t interfere with the natural milk composition. We don’t add preservatives, nor do we fortify the milk. Other companies have such varieties like full cream milk or toned milk. In these cases, the fat content is either added or removed by employing various methods which changes thenatural composition of the milk. The milk does not remain natural and organic due to the various treatments the milk has been subjected to. environment. The integration of farming practices benefits all. This is realized by making one partner’s output as other partner’s input. For instance, the output of crop farmers (leftover part after the grain has been harvested) becomes an input for the dairy farmers (dry fodder to feed the cows). Similarly, dairy farmers output (cattle dung) becomes an input for crop farmers(organic manure). Likewise, the processing unit’s output (oilcake- left after the extraction of oil) becomes an input for dairy farmers. The final product from these units is directly delivered to the consumers without the involvement of any intermediaries. Thus there is an efficient collaboration between the farmers, processing units and the consumers. The entire process is powered by ERP, facilitating transparent and efficient transactions among collaborators. Another feature of our farms is that we follow a natural way of living. We believe in the power of nature without any manipulation. For instance, artificial insemination of cattle’s is not a norm at our farms. Talking about crop farming, the soil is replenished with nutrients through natural ways like vermicomposting. We try that we do not disturb the natural fauna of the soil. The micro organisms such as rhizobium which is naturally present in the soil, absorbs atmospheric nitrogen and converts it to ammonia for the absorption by the plants. By not disturbing the natural balance of the soil, we are actually helping ourselves as we receive nutrient rich food from it in return. For the soil to provide nutrients to the crop, the nutrients has to be supplied to the soil. Organic farming is the best way to achieve this task. It is worth noting, since the switch to natural from the rampant chemical usage cannot be brought in a single day, everything is done with a balancing act. We want to improve the condition of natural resources gradually but the change will take time as the degradation of our natural resources is a result of decades long abuse.

Paavni Organic Farm’s role is to establish a network encompassing farmers, processing units, subscribers, and vendors. Paavni takes full responsibility for marketing efforts and fills in any gaps in collaboration, such as providing dairy products if there is a shortage of dairy farmers. All our products are sourced from our own and partner farms, ensuring rigorous control over quality and freshness. Our milk remains unpasteurized and unhomogenized, preserving its natural flavour andnutritional benefits, though we also offer pasteurized/homogenized milk. Traditional methods likeKolhu for oil production and stone grinding for flour ensure the nutritional integrity of our foods delivered to subscribers.